Welcome to the Association

The Landladies Concierge

Women in the Service of Culture
and the Tuscan Territory

Are you ready to discover a world of culture, art, and social engagement?
Welcome to the Association, a nonprofit organization composed entirely of women, dedicated to promoting and preserving the cultural and territorial heritage of beautiful Tuscany.


The Specola Museum, a jewel restored to history

After a long restoration period in 2024, on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the University of Florence, the Specola Museum in Palazzo Torrigiani finally reopened to the public. It houses unique collections of zoology and anatomical waxes, the…

Prato an open-air museum of contemporary art

9 February 2025 Prato has been able to evolve and invest in Street Art and contemporary art, without forgetting its roots. This itinerary focusing on contemporary art aims to reveal to visitors those works of art, be they sculptures, architectural…

Prato, city of art, merchants and biscuits

9 February 2025 Prato is a city of industry and textiles. Few, however, know how beautiful the medieval historic centre of this city is! Buildings, churches, squares, legends and unique characters such as the merchant of Prato: Francesco di Marco…

Our Mission

The Association’s mission is clear and exciting: we are here to initiate projects that strengthen the cultural and social fabric of our community. Our activities span a wide range of areas:

Culture, Art and Design

We engage in the organization and management of cultural, artistic and recreational activities of special social significance From art exhibitions to lectures on medieval history, such as our upcoming lecture series on Palazzo Datini, we are determined to spread knowledge and appreciation for culture.

Tourism with Added Value

We do not limit ourselves only to culture, but carry out tourism activities that combine the cultural aspect with the social and religious aspects. We offer authentic and meaningful tourism experiences to fully immerse yourself in the beauty of Tuscany.

Education and Training

We believe in education and continuing education. We organize professional courses and workshops to enable women to develop new skills and grow personally.

Heritage Protection

We are proudly committed to the protection and enhancement of Tuscany's cultural heritage and landscape. Through projects and initiatives, we want to preserve what makes our land so unique.

Discover Hidden Places

From the ancient charm of small villages to lesser-known wonders, we strive to create unique itineraries that rediscover the richness and diversity of our region.

Promoting Internationally

We want to make the wealth of Tuscan culture, traditions, businesses and gastronomy known internationally. We collaborate with public bodies, private institutions and other associations to spread our message to a global audience.

Latest News

Explore our blog to explore interesting topics and discover new perspectives. We share knowledge and ideas in an informative and engaging way.

Chinese New Year 2025 in Prato: the year of the snake begins

Once again this year the is preparing to celebrate, starting next January 28, the beginning of the Chinese year.It will be a celebration full of events and unique moments designed for adults and children, curious and traditionalists, lovers of culture,…

Prato hosts Mediterranean Championship in Orienteering

From Oct. 31 to Nov. 3, Prato will host an international event dedicated to Orienteering: the Mediterranean Championship in Orienteering thanks to IKP Idrott Klubb Prato, a company that prepares athletes to compete in competitions in this discipline and organizes…

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Contact us

We are excited to hear from you and partner with you! Fill out the form below to get in touch with The Landladies Association. Whether you have questions, suggestions, or would like to join our efforts, we are here to listen.


+39 351 316 0218



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    The Landladies Concierge ETS
    via G. Pisano, 12 – 59100 Prato – Italy
    CF 92114470484
    Pec: thelandladies@pec.it

    IBAN: IT20A0892237970000000839856
    Reason: Charitable Donation