This year the Landlaldies Concierge ETS association has been involved in a very interesting project.
It is the Silk Festival, Dialogues on Contemporary China, conceived in 2021 and now in its fourth edition. It was conceived and realized in Prato by Matteo Burioni, Gianni Bianchi, Roberto Pecorale and Patrizia Scotto di Santolo.
What it is all about.
Three days of events focusing on contemporary China, investigating relations between Italy and China, the state of the economy, and trends in literature and music.
The festival is open to all and will take place Oct. 3-4-5- at the Textile Museum.
On Oct. 5 at 5 p.m. departing from the square in front of the Museo del Tessuto, The Landladies Concierge ETS association offers an itinerary through the city of Prato to discover Street Art and contemporary art.
For info & reservations